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BeckerArt Watercolor Demo of Kenosha Harbor Boat by David R Becker
Free Tutorials @ #youtubetutorial #painting #holbein #legionpaper
BeckerArt Self Blending Watercolor by Floating-Your-Pigment
BeckerArt Demo Paint-A-Long Making a painting look better then the photo
BeckerArt Quick Tip on Watercolor Washes vs Tints
BeckerArt WhiteWater Workshop Demo by David R Becker
BeckerArt Recycle Used Watercolor Paper
BeckerArt Take Control of your Watercolor
BeckerArt Pumpkin Paint-a-long that's not all orange
BeckerArt Best Line tool for making lines in Watercolor
BeckerArt Private Art Party FastPainting
The Villages Workshops Hosts the Dillman's Demo Fest with David R Becker